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  • Decentral Games Phase 3 Migration Guide

Decentral Games Phase 3 Migration Guide

Overview of the upcoming updates

The final migration phase is upon us.

Phase 3 of Decentral Games’ ecosystem migration is expected to launch on Monday, April 29. This includes significant updates such as phasing out Challenge Mode and introducing new wearability utility.

To close things out, Decentral Games will be throwing a special Diamond Hands City night on Thursday, April 25 with some giveaways and boosted bounties. Come celebrate with the community and welcome the new era. 

There are a lot of upcoming changes, so we put together this guide to help you through the transition.

Read below to learn about Phase 3, what to expect, and info for the event.

Table of Contents

Quick Recap

In February, a governance proposal was passed to upgrade the Decentral Games ecosystem.

These upgrades were divided into 3 phases:

  • Phase 1: BAG token migration (completed February 29, 2024)

  • Phase 2: Poker Arcade updates (completed April 18, 2024)

  • Phase 3: Wearable utility updates (expected April 29, 2024)

If you haven’t migrated your tokens yet, check out the BAG Migration Guide.

Infographic of Decentral Games' ecosystem upgrade phasing

Ecosystem upgrade phases

Phase 3 Updates

All updates will happen automatically and you don’t need to migrate any of your assets. Beware of any phishing scams.

Phasing Out Challenge Mode

The last day to play Challenge Mode will be Monday, April 29.

After Phase 3 is live, you can claim your remaining ICE and Banked ICE rewards on your Poker Arcade Account page. ICE claims and Banked ICE redemptions will remain open until further notice.

Decentral Games' Poker Arcade Account page

Poker Arcade Account page

Pausing Wearable Upgrades and Activation Fees

To help simplify the DG ecosystem, wearable upgrades and activation fees will be paused.

If you want to upgrade your wearables then you’ll need to do it before Monday, April 29.

After Phase 3 is live, you’ll only be able to acquire higher-level wearables by buying them on OpenSea or trading with other players in Discord.

Launching New Wearable Utility

All Access Wearables will be renamed to Premium Wearables and will have new utility.

If you own a Premium or High Roller Wearable, you’ll start to earn weekly rewards which you can use to play in the Metaverse Casino or Poker Arcade for free.

  • Earn USDT casino bonuses to play blackjack, roulette, or Plinko in the Metaverse Casino.

  • Earn Tickets to enter SNG tournaments on the Poker Arcade app.

  • High Roller Wearables will now have reward bonuses ranging from 50-150%.

In your DG Account, there’ll be a new Wearable Reward page where you can view, claim, and manage your rewards.

Decentral Games' Wearable Rewards page

Wearable Rewards page

Each week, you can choose to earn Bonus USDT or Tickets. The amount of rewards you earn depends on your wearable’s reward bonus and how many wearables you own.

The reward rate per wearable is: 3 x (1 + bonus %).

For example: If you own a Premium wearable with a 45% bonus, you’ll earn 4.35 Bonus USDT or Tickets each week (3 x 1.45).

To continue earning rewards, you must claim and play at least once during the week. For steps on how to claim your rewards, check out the Wearable Rewards Guide.

Diamond Hands Thursday Poker Night

Come celebrate with the community at this week’s Diamonds Hand Thursday poker night:

We’ll be adding $200+ in BAG prizes to various bounties. During the event, you also can tune into Morph’s Twitch stream for a $100 giveaway.

After phasing out Challenge Mode, this weekly event will be reintroduced with a new format.

Decentral Games' Diamond Hands City Poker Night event flyer

Diamond Hands Thursday


  • Raffle: 10 winners win 15 Tickets + $10 in BAG

  • High Hand: 17 Tickets + $50 in BAG

  • Seven Deuce: 17 Tickets + $20 in BAG

  • Hot Hand: 17 Tickets + $20 in BAG

  • Six Nine: 17 Tickets + $20 in BAG

  • Cracked Aces: 17 Tickets + $20 in BAG

  • Top Stack: 4,000 BAG

  • Bad Beat: 278,000 BAG


or to participate.